Today Microsoft announced commercial availability of its Windows® Azure™ platform which include Windows Azure, SQL Azure and Windows Azure platform AppFabric. In addition, Microsoft also announced new pricing and availability for Windows Azure platform AppFabric.
If you are CTP user then starting today you can upgrade your Community Technology Preview (CTP) accounts of the Windows
® Azure™ platform to paid commercial subscriptions. If you upgrade your CTP accounts during the month of January, 2010, all Windows Azure platform usage incurred during this month will be at no charge. You will also have full visibility during this month to your Windows Azure platform usage. Billing and SLAs for all commercial accounts will begin on February 1
st, 2010.
Customers with CTP accounts must upgrade their accounts prior to
February 1, 2010. New customers can start using the services by signing up for one of the paid subscription offers.
To get started, visit:
How to upgrade your CTP accounts,