Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Microsoft BizTalk RFID - Robust, scalable, secure server platform for RFID solutions

15 days back I was contacted by one of my old client with whom I am working almost 2+ years and architected and developed couple of applications for them. when I went to his office, in very first meeting I came to know that, this time scope of project is vast and this is going to be a mission critical project as we have very less time to execute we have to work on Live system . though RFID is not new for me but this time requirement was somewhat different. initially I thought about all those common requirement was there like read tag, write tag, based on that execute couple of event etc. but when they told me that they want deploy this application in 7 cities of India in first phase and they want to do a runtime synchronization and also want to generate reports and publish same data on web etc and also one most important thing is system need to handle high volume.

I was thinking architecture with my limited  knowledge :P, like use of SQL Server level synchronization or use of web service to update etc. mean while I was also searching internet ( may be using Google) I found something very interesting “Microsoft BizTalk RFID”. I heard these words couple of times from Microsoft people in various sessions or meeting but never bother to know or understand. but when i read about and that solve my entire problem.

BizTalk RFID + BizTalk RFID Mobile + Microsoft BizTalk Server 2006 R2 + SQL Server 2005 ---- Done !!! completes my all requirements.

AS said by Microsoft “Microsoft BizTalk RFID is an innovative device management and event processing platform at the edge of the enterprise. It is designed to provide a scalable, extensible platform for development, deployment, and management of rich RFID and sensor solutions.”

its really very simple to use, understand, and also very easy to deploy, secure, scalable platform. one can easily learn and develop applications.

now onwards I will try to share my experience of working with BizTalk RFID staring from installation , architecture development. deployment etc. so keep visiting my blog for all these update…

you can read about BizTalk RFID at http://www.microsoft.com/biztalk/en/us/rfid.aspx

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